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The Bookman's Tale: A Novel of Obsession

The Bookman's Tale - Charlie Lovett It was a good premise, a good mystery but I was disappointed with the predictability of it all. I was hoping for a twist or two or of at least being surprised which unfortunately, I wasn’t at all. There was a point where something I expected happened and I was actually that disappointed that I had to stop reading for a few days. In saying that, it wasn’t a hardship at all to read. It was a pretty enjoyable and relaxing read. I especially enjoyed the love story between Peter and Amanda -a very sweet and endearing romance.The story is told from 3 different time period settings which took a bit of getting used to, in the beginning. Each is very different in either characters and / or localities so each was enjoyable in its own merit. The only downside was that as we reached a peak moment in one period, we move on to another time period in the next chapter so the momentum was lost. It was as disconcerting as falling on your ass whilst crossing the road during peak traffic!Whilst I appreciate the author’s effort on tying up loose ends, there was just the one instance where I thought was completely unnecessary and out of place. It was a “really…?” *roll-eye* moment. The tough issue with this type of book is the ending. You could either go controversial and copped a lot of flack as well as praises or… conservative that it’s anticlimactic enough for readers not to feel unsatisfied. Hence, the average rating.Thank you, Viking Adult via Edelweiss, for the privilege to read & review this galley