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Ironweed - William Kennedy Francis Phelan has no place to call home. At least, none that he feels right to call home. An accident in his past drove him away from ‘home’. It is something that he will never forget nor maybe forgive himself. In this book, we follow Francis as he relives moments of his former life, the good and the bad. His ghostly past haunted him throughout and will never let him go.It was a strange read as it provoked mixed feelings in me. As I work in the city, I see a number of homeless people and usually, I’ll walk past and avoid looking at them. Reading this book from the perspective of a homeless man who is running from his past does my head in. I felt sorry for him and yet at the same time, I felt like he really should seek help and get his act together. And yet again, I’m not sure if I wouldn’t be like him if I experienced the same ‘accident’.My favourite passage…Kisses come up from below, or down from above. They come from the brain sometimes, sometimes from the heart, and sometimes just from the crotch. Kisses that taper off after a while come only from the heart and leave the taste of sweetness. Kisses that come from the brain tend to try to work things out inside other folks’ mouths and don’t hardly register. And kisses from the crotch and the brain put together, with maybe a little bit of heart, like Katrina’s, well they are the kisses that can send you right around the bend for your whole life.