I gave up reading this when I first attempted it years ago and I can’t quite remember why anymore so I gave it another go. Within the first few chapters, I remembered that I just didn’t fancy Fanny as a heroine. My preferred heroine would be someone like Lizzie Bennett or Margaret Hale – healthy and a bit feisty ;)When Fanny was having a near-fainting-spell, I nearly gave up! If I was reading a print edition, I would’ve chucked it across the table in disgust but I couldn’t do that to my PC. As it was the only Austen novel I’ve not read, I was determined to finish it and so persevered. And I’m actually (surprisingly) glad that I did.Whilst Fanny hasn’t the constitution of Lizzie Bennett or Margaret Hale, she is not quite sickly. Whilst she is also ‘seen’ as a timid mouse or that quiet obedient pleasant nobody, she actually knows her own mind and will stick to it. Even though, I don’t quite agree to her sitting back whilst the love of her life is slowly being wooed away from her (she seemed quite placid on the outside and resigned to accept his choice in this matter rather than fighting for him in any way), I came to understand that with her position, it may just be inappropriate. In the end, though, with all that transpired, she became not only acceptable but is propriety herself.I’m so very happy to have finished this novel. Fanny Price may not be my favourite character but I do admire her strength and courage in sticking up for what she knows to be right for her even when it was presented as her only option for a comfortable future.