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The Immortality Virus

The Immortality Virus - Christine Amsden We all know curiosity kills the cat and still, curiosity brought Grace Harper to meet with one of the richest and most powerful man, Matthew Stanton Jr. Matthew Stanton Sr was killed a few weeks earlier and whilst Grace is good at her job as an investigator, she doubts that she is being summoned to find the murderer. When she walks out of that meeting, she knows that the job will be the death of her, whether she took it up or not.The world is a different place in the 25th century but not for the better. The Change has eliminated some diseases but humans are practically immortal, yet continue to reproduce. This gross overpopulation of the world is not without costs. Fresh food are available only to the elite whilst the poor, if they’re lucky, gets to eat nutribars (with questionable contents). There are those with different view of life and are fighting with their lives for it. Grace herself inclines to believe natural life (with natural death at the end) is ideal yet she has never put herself forward for her belief. She thinks that maybe it is time to be proactive and this job may just prove to be the key. Is it the right key? Will she be able to fight against those in more powerful positions and restore life as it should be? I like Grace Harper. She is one tough chickie with a warm heart. Her heart was broken 60 years ago and she has not let anyone else in since. I like her snappy comebacks and her courage in face of pain. She is so very human in her vulnerability, cautious in trusting others, and yet, she still risks herself for the benefit of others.The story was exciting, fast-paced, and thrilling. I got really involved in the mystery surrounding the Change so it was a pretty good and pain-free read for me. It just lack that bit of oomph to make it up to next star rating.I received a copy of the book as part of a blog tour in exchange for an honest review