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Whisper of Light (Light, #2)

Whisper of Light - Jennifer DeLucy It might be part of my OCD nature which demands that if it’s a series then the main character should be the same. However, in the real world, series could be based on the same “world” and not necessarily with the same main character from the first book (whom I get really attached to!). If this is the case, as it is here, I’d start reading (if I ever get to it) with some reluctance. This is not to say that the book itself isn’t good, just that I’m being obsessive compulsive! It’s me, it’s not the book.In terms of writing, DeLucy did as well as the first book (Seers of Light) but I just didn’t enjoy this new character, Nicole Abbott. Her martyrdom really grates me. She accepts the way others treat her even though it hurts terribly and not because she can’t handle confrontation but because she thinks she deserves it. So, most of the time I feel like shaking her; I don’t like it when I feel like that about a main character. That’s not to say that she didn’t change but it just took forever.The romance is kinda sweet. I said ‘kinda’ because as both sides are troubled souls, it was that much harder for me to appreciate. But then again, did I mention that I get attached to the main character from the first book? Suffice to say, that I like the way she ended this book. Nothing compares to that ‘*sigh*, *how wonderful!* contentment feeling which should come with all romantic books ;pJust because I enjoyed the ease of reading DeLucy’s writing, her witty but natural dialogues, and the sweetness of the ending, I’ve rated this 3 stars. But… I’m really keen on book 3 as we’re getting back to… Lily Hunt! Yeah! You can check out the book trailer here…