The beginning of the book was freaking me out. I’m kinda a scaredy cat. Well, okay, I am one. I don’t read Stephen King exactly for this reason. I can’t really say what freaked me out but suffice to say that Lilian Hunt saw things, some pretty scary things, that I thought, err… my initial impression of the book must’ve been wrong!No fear, it soon changes as Lily was “retrieved” to learn who she truly is and the dark world surrounding her. She has a power which she needed to learn to control to be able to protect herself. Her mentor, William Maddox, is a controversy and not completely welcome in her new-found world. And yet, despite this prejudice, Lily found in him an able mentor, protector, and then… the man beneath.What I really love about this book is the playful humorous dialogues. These dialogues feel so natural that I found myself actually smiling whilst reading (had to stop myself from chuckling or people on the train will look at me funny). The romance was breath-hitchingly hot, yet still has that tone of playfulness which was just so appealing & lovely. This was a pure pleasure read :)