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Court of the Air, The

The Court Of The Air - Stephen Hunt I first saw the book on GR, slightly attracted by the cover (hot air balloon!) but after reviewing the blurb, decided NOT to add it to my 'to-read' shelf.I saw it at the shop for a cheap buy and just absolutely loved the cover (there's a world's difference in seeing a jpeg online to seeing & touching it). I put it back, thinking no, it's not really for me, but unable to resist the cover, went and bought it anyway.I wanted to love the content and I do to some extent (the concept and the story) but I have only just discovered 'steampunk' whilst I love the concept, the 'jargons' go way over my head. Suffice to say, I felt a bit stupid for not understanding some things reading this book.Overall, it wasn't too bad. If I don't get too bogged down with the jargon-ish descriptions, I did enjoy the fast-paced story and even got really excited with the fighting scenes.I'm not giving up on 'steampunk' but maybe a different book / author.