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Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods Series #1)

Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods Series #1) - My impression is that this book is like a cross between Twilight and a Great & Terrible Beauty but better than either of them. The main reason is that I find Bella & Gemma absolutely annoying but so far I like Schuyler.The first half of the book is pretty slow as the introduction to the whole society and then the secret society is quite expansive and complicated. But the second half of the book just sorta flew and I can't wait to read the next installment.Schuyler Van Alen is an outsider, a misfit. However, a great mystery surrounded her. It started with the death of a student from her school, the mark on her arms, the initiation into The Committee, and Jack Force. Things are not what they seem and Schuyler is right in the middle of it. Who is she? What is she supposed to do?