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Bones to Ashes

Bones to Ashes (Temperance Brennan, #10) - Kathy Reichs It was overall an easy read and quite intriguing. The main character, Temperance Brennan, is a forencis anthropologist and there are many many scientific references throughout the book. As I'm mainly not a science person, most of these details just sort of go over my head so whilst I appreciate the spin, I didn't really think it's necessary to go to that depth.The book begins with a nostalgic rememberance of her childhood friend who suddenly left and would not reply to her letters. Certain circumstances triggered her to search for this missing friend whilst still working her cases. The end just seems a little bit convenient.What I really like from this book in the series is her relationship with her sister, Harry. Which I don't think was prominent in the other books. Or at least Harry was merely passing by in the other books but here she's featured quite a bit. It made a welcome change.